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The Real Source of Stress and Are We Really ‘stuck with it’? – Part 3

Breaking Free from Stress: Understanding the Fallacy of the Current Model

This is the third and final part of George Pransky's three-part series on stress. In the first two videos, George lays out the traditional view of stress and introduces a new model that challenges how we typically understand stress. Now, in this concluding segment, George explains how easily and innocently we fall into the trap of the current model of stress, and how simply understanding its fallacy can change everything.

Stress is so deeply ingrained in our culture that we tend to see it as an inevitable reaction to life’s challenges. But as George explains, this conventional thinking about stress is based on a misunderstanding. By seeing through the illusion of this model, we can protect ourselves from stress and experience a greater sense of freedom and ease in our lives.

The Fallacy of the Current Stress Model

In the traditional model, stress is viewed as something external—something caused by the circumstances in our lives. We believe that events like work deadlines, family conflicts, or health problems naturally lead to stress. This model of stress is so pervasive that most people accept it without question. However, George invites us to look deeper and see the fallacy in this belief.

The truth is, stress doesn’t come from external events; it comes from thought. The current model fails to acknowledge that our experience of stress is created by our thinking in the moment. While it may seem like the outside world is causing us stress, it’s actually our thoughts about the situation that generate the feeling of stress.

When we buy into the current model, we inadvertently give power to external circumstances, believing they are responsible for how we feel. But when we realize that our stress is created from within—through thought—we can stop feeling like victims of our circumstances and instead experience a sense of empowerment.

How Understanding the Fallacy Can Protect You

The beauty of this insight is that it doesn’t require any complex strategies or techniques to manage stress. You don’t need to "fight" stress or find ways to cope with it. Simply understanding that the current model of stress is built on a misunderstanding can offer immediate relief.

When we see that thought, not external events, is responsible for stress, we are no longer at the mercy of stressful situations. As our thinking changes, so does our experience. This insight naturally protects us from the pressure and tension that often accompany stressful events. As George explains, this shift in understanding is automatic—when you see the fallacy, you can’t unsee it, and the way you experience life begins to change.

Trusting the Wisdom of Mind

Beneath all of our stressful thinking lies the constant presence of Mind—the deeper intelligence that guides us through life. When we stop giving so much weight to the traditional model of stress, we reconnect with the calm and clarity that is always available to us. Mind provides the insight and understanding needed to navigate difficult situations without falling into stress.

As George concludes this series, he emphasizes that trusting the wisdom of Mind is key to living with less stress. When we understand that our stressful experiences are not dictated by the outside world but are shaped by thought, we naturally become more resilient and more at ease in the face of life’s challenges.

Looking Back: A Recap of the Three-Part Series

In part one of this series, George discussed how stress has become so embedded in our culture that it feels invisible, blending into the background of our lives. In part two, he introduced a new model of stress, explaining how stress is created by thought, not by circumstances. Now, in this final installment, he provides us with the tools to free ourselves from the fallacy of the current model of stress. By understanding this, we open ourselves to a life of greater peace, clarity, and freedom.


Pransky & Associates

In 1976, George and Linda Pransky stumbled on a new way of helping people that was radically different from the traditional counseling methods they had been using in their work. The new principles they were learning had a huge impact on their personal lives, their relationship, and the way they worked with their clients. They began to teach these principles to their clients and became pioneers in a new field of psychology that profoundly changed people in a short amount of time.

Young George Pransky & Linda Pransky

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